Marissa Gustafson
  • @marissag
  • I'm a Cat Mom, Plant Enthusiast, and Avid Embroiderer based in Brooklyn, New York - currently working at Skillshare.
  • Brooklyn, New York
  • she/her/hers
Marissa is a Director of Talent at Skillshare, where she helps to bring the best talent to the company. She is passionate about plants, music, and her home borough of Brooklyn. Marissa loves to explore the intersection of creativity and technology, and is a firm believer in the power of collaboration.
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Dec 2019 - Present

Director of Talent, Skillshare

Aug 2021 - Present

Director of Technical Recruiting, Skillshare

Dec 2019 - Aug 2021

Technical Recruitment Lead, Skillshare

Jul 2018 - Oct 2019

Technical Recruiter, Airbnb